Trackinbox F.A.Q.

Here you will find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Trackinbox, the first geolocated tray in the industry.

  1. Is there a M.O.Q. (Minimum Order Quantity) for Trackinbox?

    Minimum orders for Trackinbox is 10 sets.

  2. Does my Trackinbox require a subscription?

    No. Trackinbox is free from subscriptions, hidden costs or recurring fees. 

  3. How often is my Trackinbox geolocated?

    Trackinbox pings one location data point per day.
    Geolocation is tied to quality of the network and Trackinbox's ability to connect.
    NB: A second ping is planned in case first one doesn't go through.

  4. In what countries is my TRACKinbox geolocated?

    Trackinbox trays are geolocalized by default across Europe & USA.
    Upon request, the range of coverage can be extended to following countries:

    - Australia
    - Japan
    - Korea
    - Indonesia
    - Malaysia
    - Taiwan
    - Vietnam
    - China
    - South Africa

  5. Can Trackinbox be adapted to trays of various sizes (ie. DIN, ½DIN, 2/3DIN etc.)?

    Yes. As long as we have enough space to accommodate the module in the tray, the Trackinbox can be tailored and customized to fit ANY size and layout.

  6. What is the warranty on my Trackinbox?

    Engineered to withstand up to 450 sterilization cycles, the warranty on the Trackinbox tray is 3 years. 
    Beyond that, geolocation feature may still be active but, if at anytime the connected tray stops transmitting its position, you can choose to return for rework or replacement (at your cost).

  7. What happens if my Trackinbox stops working?

    If at any point during 3yr warranty you find a defective tray, Intech will replace the module at no cost to you.

  8. How can I access more analytics for my Trackinbox?

    With SMADE inside, you may at any time upgrade your Trackinbox by subscribing to a SMADE plan directly. The appropriate contact at SMADE will be provided to ensure a smooth transition.